Things are looking bright!
So what have happened since last time I wrote? Heaps. Loads.
I've been on a cat face night. You just simply had to put a cat face on to get in. Summit of the night; We didn't need those double vodkas that seemed to be a great idea after all the other vodkas.
Hangover on a bus to London is actually not that bad if you first gets offered a job and then you sleep all the way. Powernap for the win and I was ready for another night out.
So good to see some familiar Melbourne faces. Emma seems to love London, so happy for her!
Will Sparks played his last Euro gig on saturday night in London. Oh yes, that was why me and Mikki were there and svangde pa dom lurviga!
What else? Har ju kirrat jobb nu. Om det blir jobb A eller B far vi veta imorgon.

Shopping, Christmas feeling and London Calling
The best thing about the UK (or the worst) is the shopping fo sho!
Been walking around in town all day handing out CV's and looking for a winter jacket. Stupid as I am I always seems to think that a leather jacket's gonna do the job - but fuck no, I'm freezing already!
Perkele. Jag vill ha ett jobb ASAP sa jag kan med gott samvete handla pa mej allt jag vill de eeee ju sa billigt haller inte i langden!

London calling fran lordag till sondag. Melbourne reunion med Emma! How do you make the best of a reunion with a Melbourne gal in London? You go see Will Sparks woohooooooo CAN'T WAIT!
Ohhh Bristol
Bristol week three.
Still job hunting. Damn, I want a job ASAP.
Heaps of jobs going around at the moment, but mostly just part time/christmas temp jobs.
Well, I guess I have to start somewhere - even if it might be that I can't make it home for Christmas.

Bristol levererar fortfarande. Kan dock inte vanta tills jag far lite ordning pa vardagen - ett jobb och eget place. Jag absolut alskar the fact att prata engelska varje dag - aven om den Bristtiska accenten ger mej lite huvudvark now and then.
Var alskade Mikki kom och besokte oss pa Fredag och vi gjorde Motion igen. Two fully packed warehouses of madness och grym musik. Don't mind if I do!
Jobb hunt continue.. ut pa stan och hand out CV's.
Here we go again!
Alright ladies and gents.
It's a while since last time I wrote.
Been happening a fair bit lately. Melbourne - Vasa, Finland - and now I'm in Bristol, UK.
Came back home from Melbourne and were supposed to stay there for a while. I lasted 3 months and got bored. Story of my life. So here we go again. A new city AND a new country!
I like what I've seen of Bristol so far. It actually reminds me a bit of Melbourne. Heaps of cafes, pubs, small shops, street art and cool people. And ofc - can't complain about the night life.
At the moment I'm staying at Sophie and Anil's place. I met Sophie thru Gumtree actually, so I'm That happy that they actually are letting a stranger stay on their sofa hah!
Time to once again build up a new life, get a new job, meet new friends and get to know a new city! Been thru this so many times and damn it's still a bit scary.